Driver Instructor Training Program

Course Hours: 80.0 Hours

Course Description

The 80-hour Driver Instructor Training Program (DITP) imparts to student-instructors the skills, techniques, principles and legal aspects of law enforcement driving.  Lecture, practical exercises and graded performance exams are used throughout the course to impart on the student-instructors the ability to design and coordinate a law enforcement driver training program.  See Special Notes (below).


Student instructors must comply with the following prerequisites:

  1. Student-instructors must possess  a POST Level 2 Instructor Certification (formerly designated General Instructor)
  2. Student-instructors must have satisfactorily completed either BLETC EVOC or Law Enforcement Emergency Vehicle Operations Course Level 1 (LEEVOC 1)
  3. Students must be currently employed in law enforcement and assigned to a  position requiring knowledge of law enforcement driver training, or anticipating assignment to such a position
  4. Possess a valid driver's license

Special Notes

On the first morning of the course, students must demonstrate current proficiency with the 3 primary performance exams administered during the Basic EVOC: Precision Cone Course, Skid Recovery, and Controlled Braking to remain enrolled.

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