Chief Fire Officer Orientation: Day 1

Course Hours: 8.0 Hours

Course Description

This program is designed to assist newly appointed Fire Chiefs in development of skills and abilities needed to lead their organizations. The areas discussed will include familiarization with GPSTC and Georgia Fire Academy, responsibilities of the Georgia Firefighter Standards and Training Council, and the State Fire Marshal's Office. Discussions of agencies and resources at both the State and Federal level that may impact the operation of the fire department will also be included. While the target audience is Fire Chiefs who have just recently attained that position, any current Fire Chiefs should find this course beneficial and are encouraged to attend.

Who Should Attend

Newly appointed Chief Officers, Fire Chiefs and/or their designees.

Special Notes

The Chief Officer Orientation program consists of four (4) 8 hour modules to allow for flexibility due to the increased demands of a chief officer's schedule. However, participants are encouraged to attend these programs as close together as possible to maximize the learning process. These classes may be attended out of sequence.

Start Date End Date Location (Hover for more information) Time Course Number Status
03/17/2025 03/17/2025 GPSTC, FORSYTH 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. FFAI25101 Register