De-Escalation and Control Tactics

Course Hours: 40.0 Hours

Course Description

This course is designed to give the student a realistic approach to de-escalation tactics (verbal and physical), as well as provide them with a variety of skills to use in a subject/officer encounter. 

Topics that will be covered include: the legal aspects of force, realistic de-escalation principles, stand-up striking and defense, arrest and control techniques, grappling and ground skills, vehicle extractions, vascular neck restraint and edged weapons defense.

This course replaces the 40 hour Defensive Tactics course. 


Students must be employed with a local, state, or federal law enforcement agency.

Who Should Attend

Law enforcement officers, jailers, and correctional officer whose duties involve direct contact with a subject/detainee/inmate will benefit from this program of training.

Special Notes

Students should wear comfortable/training-appropriate clothing, and must bring their agency-issued duty gear (minus firearm, ammo, OC Spray, Baton, and/or TASER). Students are also required to bring handcuffs and handcuff key(s).

Start Date End Date Location (Hover for more information) Time Course Number Status
07/07/2025 07/11/2025 GPSTC, FORSYTH 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. TBA Coming Soon