Fire and Life Safety Educator I

Course Hours: 32.0 Hours

Course Description

This 32-hour course is designed to provide public safety personnel with the tools necessary to present fire and life safety education to the public and to ultimately reduce the loss of life and property from fire.  Students will gain knowledge and skills to present effective, stimulating and behavior changing public education presentations to various audiences. Students will explore the myths and realities of fire, human behavior during fire emergencies, and strategies to effectively reach a variety of audiences. 

Methods of delivering fire and life safety education, selecting educational materials, working with the media and evaluating program success will also be covered. 

This course meets the State of Georgia and the National certification criteria for Fire and Life Safety Educator Level I. 

Who Should Attend

Public safety personnel desiring State of Georgia and NPQ Fire and Life Safety Educator I certification should attend this course.

Special Notes

This course is a Coordinator Managed course. Students with previous attempts to register for this course will receive priority. Once students are selected they will receive confirmation. Applicants not selected will be invited to apply for a future offering. The Course Coordinator will provide information and handouts via email. All students should update their GPSTC accounts to ensure the email address on file is up to date. 

There is an online pre-course assignment for this course. Students will be provided the link for the online portion in their acceptance letter. 

Students will need to provide the following textbook: Jones and Bartlett Fire and Life Safety Educator Principles and Practices, 2nd Edition. ISBN: 978-1-284-04197-2

Start Date End Date Location (Hover for more information) Time Course Number Status
02/10/2025 02/13/2025 GPSTC, FORSYTH 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. FFAB25044 Closed
04/07/2025 04/10/2025 GPSTC, FORSYTH 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. FFAB25181 Register
07/14/2025 07/17/2025 GPSTC, FORSYTH 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. TBA Coming Soon
09/08/2025 09/11/2025 GPSTC, FORSYTH 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. TBA Coming Soon
11/17/2025 11/20/2025 GPSTC, FORSYTH 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. TBA Coming Soon